Dear brother & sister in Christ,
The greatest intercessor in Heaven and on earth is Jesus. He stands for us when no one else does! Remember today that He is praying for you and standing with you. He is FOR you, not against you.
“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,[f] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:14-16 (NIV)
We have great confidence in approaching the throne of God. Boldly we go to our God.
There was a time in my life when I didn’t want to pray. I didn’t have much faith in prayer because I considered my situation to be hopeless, I thought of my mountain as being too big. I magnified my problems and minimised the power of God in my life.
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit inside of us, teaches us to pray. God reveals his heart and will for us, and urges us to pray. The Spirit himself prays for us in our weakness.
And so, we pray with confidence, we pray with faith in the promises of God, trusting the Living Word of God, that He who promised is faithful to stand with us and fulfill every word He gave to us.
As we pray together over your circumstance, please join your faith with the Word of God and believe that Jesus is faithful. He is not just a King, but he’s your faithful friend, who will never abandon you, come what may.
Declaring the truth of God over your situation today. God bless you.
Sickness, now is your end, your power has been stripped away, Lord Jesus has purchased our freedom from every sickness.
Curses, you have been nailed to the Cross, you have no power.
Let every need in your household be filled with the abundance and supernatural provision that we have in Jesus.
Let every weakness in your spirit and soul be removed as Jesus becomes your great strength!
Let every lie of loneliness and hopelessness be cancelled right now! You are held secure in the arms of Jesus!
Your womb is blessed, your mind is blessed. Every cell in your body is blessed.
Your finances are blessed, because you are called to be a blessing to nations, you shall walk in overflow.
Praying healing over your soul, that every harmful habit, every sinful addiction, every weight of guilt is removed by the blood Jesus shed on the Cross. You’ve been set free, and you shall stay free in Jesus’ name!
Praying grace and wisdom for everyone writing exams. His supernatural strength and favour will cover you and empower you.
Let every shame and guilt be removed as you behold the love of God proven on the Cross that Jesus bore for you and me.
Speaking life over every dead dream and desire. You shall not just work for a living, you shall prosper in your purpose and thrive in the place God has for you.
To all those who want to just settle, let the goodness of God push you out of your comfort zone, so that you will walk as royalty and not as a slave.
May the holy love of Jesus burn every illegitimate desire in your soul and body, may you be sanctified through and through.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 – “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
May the Holiness of God purge you and present you to Him as a pleasing aroma and living sacrifice. You were meant for His pleasure and glory, and you shall live only for Him.
Let every idol and false promise fall away. Let every other love and pursuit fade away. Let your heart burn fully, totally, utterly for Jesus, for His name, for His fame.
Let the weight of people’s expectations fall off of you in Jesus’ name.
Let every goal you have set for yourself be met exceedingly, abundantly, more than you can ask or imagine. May you never be afraid to dream big with Jesus!
May your garden be nourished and fruitful. May your creativity flow and bring forth life everywhere you go!
In Jesus’ name!