I can’t speak for everyone but I absolutely love new things. Especially if they come with that “new smell”. So far, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering many new things. Gadgets, mostly, but also relationships, houses, clothes and what have you. And it stands to reason that with time, the newness fades away, and whatever was your fascination soon becomes a part of you, forgotten. It has to be that way. I’m not sure why.
We recently shifted to a new house. A newly built flat, in a new neighbourhood. It was a wonderful experience, to say the least, mostly because it was all orchestrated divinely and there was a shift in season. It felt like it was a fresh start. The mistakes and memories of the past forgotten, we moved into this place and began to enjoy every small and big thing that was available to us here. I, for one, did not want to take anything for granted. I made it a point to note down everything in my journal, too! God has always been faithful, but after a prolonged season of the sorrowful kind, a change is welcomed, and celebrated. And we did both.
In a few weeks, it will be two whole months since we moved and the newness has all but faded away. We’re almost completely settled in (some boxes still haven’t found their way out but a bit of wonderful looking furniture has graciously entered.) We’re part of this house now. You can tell by the hand prints on the walls and the wads of hair in the bathroom (What? I shed.) Even the Welcome mat gives it away. This is our home now, it was once new.
I was happier when it was new. The excitement accompanying the newness – that’s what it’s all about. Opening a package, unraveling the bubble wrap, even using a new toothbrush. It’s fun.
God likes new things too. He wipes the earth down with the swipe of the sun and he grants us new mercies. Every morning. I like this God. He is my portion.
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” – Lamentations 3:22-24